Paula is a PCC / ICF (Professional Certified Coach by the International Coach Federation), a master’s in education from USP and a graduate in Communication from PUC-RJ. She has built her executive career with an emphasis on branding, marketing and communication strategies, always acting as an advisor and business consultant for large organizations and coming to Talent’s General Director of Research and Strategic Planning. She approached Adigo in 2002, primarily through its training programs. In 2005, she joined EcoSocial, where she developed her role as executive coach and development consultant, having also integrated its management group. Improved her practice through courses and training with LaMarsh and Associates | Managed Change © (Chicago, USA), Axialent Conscious Business, EcoSocial Institute and CTI | Coaches Training Institute (California, USA), as well as extensions in art therapy, yoga and psychoanalysis. She acts with emphasis in strategy and development of organizational identity and culture, and in the growth of involved leaderships. She was co-founder of Grupo de Planejamento (GP), of the ICF São Paulo Chapter and of Adigo Lumo, currently Lumo, where she is a partner.