Vera Oliveira is an industrial engineer by UFRJ, with postgraduate studies and specializations in Marketing (ESPM-SP), Biography Counselling (ELEB, São Paulo, recognized by Goetheanum, Switzerland), Executive Coaching (Co-Active Coaching CTI, SECA International and Shadow Coaching, USA) and Mediation (Trigon, Germany). She developed her career in management consulting, working with cultural and strategic change, business process redesign and information technology. She was an associate partner of PwC, where she implemented the Change Management practice and held the position of Director of Human Resources. As a founding member of the EcoSocial Institute, she led the structuring of its Coaching Unit. She acts strongly in the development of leaders and teams, in coaching and in the development and humanization of organizational and cultural transformation processes. Member of the Association for Social Development (ASD) and the International Coach Federation (ICF). She has been a partner of Adigo Consultores for 20 years and co-founder of Lumo, where she is currently a partner.