Esta linha contém todas as classes que podem ocultar as sessões abaixo.
Lumo Development Program
Specialization in Consulting
Lumo Development Program
Specialization in Consulting is an optional extension of Fulfilling Leadership, aimed at those who want to act professionally as human and organizational development process facilitators.
São Roque / SP
Specialization in Consulting
Specialization in Consulting is an optional extension of Fulfilling Leadership, aimed at those who want to act professionally as human and organizational development process facilitators.
We will work with an integrated approach based on Anthroposophy, but not restricted to it, structuring ways for you to:
- know the concepts and prepare to act as a consultant, integrating principles of the Organizational and Human Development Consulting, also known as Process Consulting;
- define your identity as a consultant;
- expand your “toolbox”, making your practices available as a facilitator and experiencing new dynamics, exercises and facilitation techniques;
- build a network of support, learning, exchange and partnership for your personal and professional development.
Internal or external consultants and transition professionals who want to expand, strengthen or define contours for their practice of organizational consulting. It is noteworthy that due to its professionalizing nature, the Specialization in Development Consulting demands a significant dedication between modules, involving study groups, learning groups, application jobs and individual mentoring.
Real cases
We work only with real situations, as opposed to simulations, hypothetical case studies and purely theoretical knowledge. At each module, issues from participants’ organizations will be chosen as “cases”, becoming objects of diagnostics and action plans will be made in small groups, with a background of contents tools in focus.
Application works
The complete program is designed for application in life and in organizations.
After each module, participants will be encouraged to apply the contents explored, by means of practical applications to be developed, which should be elaborated in their professional context, aimed at demonstrating their personal and professional learning. These practical applications should be delivered at the beginning of each module, with the feedback about them by the class coordinator. The program completion certificate requires the delivery four application works which will be requested from participants.
Multiple didactic methods
The lectures are dialogued, with contents built together with the participants, mostly on a flip chart.
The days begin with movements specially designed for each module and according to the group’s profile, carried out by professionals, with the aim of integrating, awakening participants to learning, and creating connections with contents to be worked on.
Além dos trabalhos em grupo com foco em questões organizacionais, utilizamos diferentes atividades artísticas para estimular insights e aprendizados por caminhos além do pensar racional e retilíneo a que somos expostos e restritos no nosso dia-a-dia.
In addition to group work focused on organizational issues, we use different artistic activities to stimulate insights and learning by ways beyond rational and rectilinear thinking to which we are exposed and restricted in our daily lives.
Joint learning in a safe and reflective space
In Lumo’s Development Programs, you will share learning and experiences with participants with multiple backgrounds, from organizations of different regions, sizes and natures, expanding perspectives and challenges in an environment of trust, where there are no mistakes, only development opportunities. The number of vacancies per company is limited in order to ensure diversity and confidentiality in group work.
The Specialization in Consulting, which has a great focus on the practice of consulting and facilitation, will work, in addition, with the following learning approaches:
Each participant will have 3 1-hour mentoring sessions with a Lumo partner who will follow their development process during the program, working on the relevant issues of their path as consultants.
Study groups
Between modules, participants will engage in study groups on issues related to process consulting.
Learning groups
The consultants will structure learning groups to exchange experiences. Depending on the interest and profile of the class, learning groups will be formed and combined with visits to the participants’ organizations, increasing knowledge opportunities.
Learning Journeys
Participants will conduct structured visits and research on different types of consulting to broaden knowledge horizons and performance, which should be reflected in the individual program assignment.
Course Completion Assignment
Each participant should develop a Course Completion Assignment to be presented to facilitators and interested parties. This work consists of the participant’s professional project as a consultant (internal or external), exploring issues such as purpose, focus of action, positioning, client profile, competencies, differentials etc. The plan will be built throughout the program, with activities oriented during and between modules.
Lumo Development Program | Specialization in Consulting
Along 3 modules we will work transversally on the following topics:
- Ethical Dilemmas and Limits
- Goetheanistic Observation (phenomenological)
- Customer freedom X responsibility with the customer
- Social trimembral organization
- Trust building in customer relationship
- Concepts and facilitation approaches
- Dynamics for small and large groups
- Resources in facilitation processes
- Presentation techniques
- Archetype X tool X methodology
- Group development process designing
- Rhythms and learning
- Shadow coaching
- Presence
- The consultant’s 12 identity dimensions (Stellar model)
- Networking and mapping of stakeholders
- Support and development network
- The Consultant’s inner challenges
- Self-development paths
- Spiritual practices
Dates and places
3 modules of 3.5 days, each going from Tuesday afternoon to Friday until lunch time, in residential regime, at Espaço Natureza Arco-íris in São Roque.
As part of the process, those interested in participating in the Specialization in Consulting should have an individual interview with a Lumo partner to explore expectations, level of practice and detailed presentation of the program.
Coordination: Vera Oliveira, Selim Nigri and Paula Saboia
Module | Date |
Module 1 | August 6 to 09/2019 |
Module 2 | November 26-29/2019 |
Module 3 | March 10-13/2020 |
Coordination: Vera Oliveira, Selim Nigri and Paula Saboia
Module 1 | May 4 to 7/2021 |
Module 2 | August 24 to 27/2021 |
Module 3 | November 23 to 26/2021 |

Espaço Natureza Arco-Íris is a place for courses, workshops, experiences and training of work teams, focused on self-knowledge, spirituality and personal and professional development. In addition to an environment of great peace, beauty and harmony, the Espaço Natureza Arco-íris offers complete infrastructure, with an event room, support rooms and outdoor spaces for group work, with comfort, warmth and natural and balanced food.
Espaço Natureza Arco-íris is located in the municipality of São Roque, just 40 km from São Paulo, in a cool mountain climate, quiet and surrounded by beautiful landscapes. There are 35.000 m² of wide lawns, lake, virgin forest and flower gardens.
Estrada do Mikami, 245-16 – Bairro do Carmo – São Roque – SP – 06730-970
Telephone: (11) 4714-0623 [email protected]
For maps and more information please visit the website:
Module’s Value | Total for the 3 modules |
R$ 5.500 | R$ 16.500 |
Lodging costs per module | Per person |
Single room | R$ 824 |
Double room | R$ 636 |
The values per module include didactic material and 3 mentoring sessions throughout the program.
For payment of the full amount to Lumo, lodging-related taxes will be added.
- Payment for the program must be made through a bank slip, issued by Lumo 15 days before the start of each module.
- The program can be paid for module by module or the full value.
- Lodging includes all meals and must be paid directly to the hotel during the stay.
Lumo’s Development Program is inclusive. In cases of special needs please contact the class coordinator.
- Cancellations must be formalized by email.
- Cancellations made up to 8 calendar days before the start of the module will imply the return of the amount paid, after tax deductions.
- Cancellations made up to 4 calendar days before the start of the module, will entail the collection of 50% of the invoice, and be considered as a no show. The balance will be refunded with taxes deducted.
- Cancellations made 3 consecutive days or less before the beginning of the module, will imply payment of 100% of the invoice, as a no show.
- There will be a refund charge to cover taxes in issued and unpaid invoices, canceled outside the month of issuance.
Historicamente, os participantes dos programas da Lumo são profissionais liberais, empresários e líderes de organizações de diferentes portes e ramos de atuação como Porto Seguro, Johnson & Johnson, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Alpargatas, FH Consulting, Grupo Boticário, Natura, McDonalds, Fibria, State Grid, Petrobras, Senac, Braskem, Corpal, Goodyear, Sabesp, Monsanto, E&Y, Banco Fibra, Banco do Brasil, Grupo Fleury, entre outras.
Veja a opinião de quem já participou
Participar da Formação de Consultores foi fundamental para meu processo de transição de carreira em aspectos como a tomada de consciência, o olhar amplo sobre “pessoas” e a postura/atitudes de um facilitador. Gratidão especial pelo acolhimento dos sócios da Lumo.
Fazer a Formação de Líderes com a Lumo foi um divisor de águas na forma como enxergo o outro, as relações e organizações. O programa nos permite entender melhor como funcionamos, nossas principais fortalezas e fraquezas e, com isso, aprender a fazer melhores escolhas e, consequentemente, ajudar mais genuína e efetivamente as pessoas e organizações com as quais interagimos. Se me permitem uma dica: Acreditem no processo! Isso vale para a formação e para a vida.
Minha experiência com o time da Lumo na Formação de Consultores e Líderes foi transformadora, tanto do ponto de vista profissional como pessoal. Através de palestras inspiradoras, exercícios práticos aplicados no dia a dia da empresa e muita auto reflexão, me foi possível desenvolver novas habilidades de gestão e liderança. Isso me permitiu entregar melhores resultados na empresa, a partir, principalmente, de um papel mais facilitador na gestão de minha equipe.
Não dá para sair igual. É simplesmente transformador!
O curso da Lumo tem trazido um processo de aprofundamento do autoconhecimento de forma intensa e apoiada pela força do grupo, constituindo uma jornada incrível!
Sem palavras…
Não apenas o que descobri em cada módulo, fazendo relações com a minha vida profissional e pessoal, mas também para descrever os sentimentos, as batalhas e as ansiedades que, ao longo da vida, foram criadas em minha mente através das percepções distorcidas . Quando iniciei o curso estava cheia de certezas, agora a única que me acompanhará é de que as incertezas me levarão aos questionamentos, e que é nas perguntas que devo ficar um maior tempo.
A Formação Lumo ampliou meu o olhar. Evoluí na capacidade de desenvolver e apoiar pessoas, obtendo melhores resultados para elas e para a organização. Foi fundamental na minha evolução como líder e ser humano. Ajudou no momento empresarial, mas onde fez a maior diferença foi na minha vida como um todo.
Em um mundo cada vez mais tecnológico e digitalizado, a Formação Lumo de Liderança Realizadora tem sido uma experiência fantástica, pois foca na importância do Ser Humano e suas composições em grupos, organizações e sociedade. Tem nos propiciado vários insights, uma visão ampla e um aprendizado prático como consultores de como podemos influenciar e trazer convergência a esse novo mundo, usando arquétipos para torná-lo melhor, não perdendo assim a sua essência humanística.
Ver a vida com outros olhos, as pessoas com mais coração e a mim com mais exatidão, essas são algumas das provocações e reflexões que a Formação Lumo me trouxe. Sou muito grato por ter vivenciado essa experiência transformadora e cruzado o caminho de vocês e dos queridos colegas da minha turma.”
O programa da Liderança Realizadora foi uma excelente oportunidade de rever conceitos, desconstruir paradigmas, explorar novas abordagens e me reconectar com a minha essência como líder. Foi fundamental para me dar confiança e segurança, no início de uma nova jornada. Sou muito grata à todo o time da Lumo.
For more information about the program and registration, contact:
Tel: +55 11 2985-0330
[email protected]
If you prefer, fill out the form on the side, as a pre-booking, and we will contact you shortly, confirming availability and requesting additional information for registration.
Thank you for your interest!
- Number of participants is limited. We kindly ask for your confirmation as soon as possible.
- Cancellations must be formalized by email.
- Cancellations made up to 8 calendar days before the start of the module will imply the return of the amount paid, after tax deductions.
- Cancellations made up to 4 calendar days before the start of the module, will entail the collection of 50% of the invoice, and be considered as a no show. The balance will be refunded with taxes deducted.
- Cancellations made 3 consecutive days or less before the beginning of the module, will imply payment of 100% of the invoice, as a no show.
- There will be a refund charge to cover taxes in issued and unpaid invoices, canceled outside the month of issuance.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. The 5 modules of Fulfilling Leadership, which cover all the essential contents of Process Consulting, are a prerequisite for the Specialization in Consulting track.
The Process Consulting Specialization is an old demand from our clients who sought a more robust training for the role of development (or process) consultant. The Fulfilling Leadership track in the Lumo Training Program provides the conceptual basis for preforming this role, but it is in the Specialization that we immerse ourselves in the challenges, dilemmas, needs, tools and preparation for consultants to reach professional excellence in their practice, intensely exploring the experience of the participants and of Lumo’s consultants. This track includes not only the face-to-face modules, but several practical activities for the intermodulation and mentoring periods with Lumo consultants.
In his book “Process Consultation”, Edgard Schein distinguishes Technical Consulting, which focuses on the sale of specialized solutions, from Process Consulting, “which essentially consists of a philosophy of support, building autonomy and valuing customers and their knowledge.” Process Consulting invests in group facilitation, diagnosis processes, and in co-creation of solutions, with the aim of having clients themselves arrive at their answers, engage in developing feasible plans and being the protagonists of their implementations. The technical/specialist consultant’s main tool is knowledge, having the right answer, while the process consultant works on the question that mobilizes the client’s reflection and conscious action. The process consultant’s main tool is himself, and, hence, the great emphasis given by Lumo’s Development Program on self-knowledge.
This question demands an individual conversation. The answer will depend on your career interests as a consultant in the short and medium term. The Specialization in Consulting will deal with concepts, limits, dilemmas and (self)development paths for internal and external consultants who want to act from a Process Consulting base, in addition to exploring facilitation and group management practices. It is important to emphasize that this is a professionalism path in consulting, with an intense demand for inter-modules, involving study groups, learning groups, learning and mentoring journeys. Lumo members are available to discuss and support the decision on the best development path for each participant.